Updates, and a new friend!

I've invited a friend to join the Ecstatic Gaming band wagon, she will be drawing and or helping with ideas, and posts. As you can see we have a new design, I made sure to pick out an easy one, any updates will be posted on the Facebook page.

Tekken 6

Tekken 6 review will be posted soon!

Mortal Kombat Review!

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe review soon!

More Technology updates!

Dat Technology.

Crackdown 1, game review

Hopefully I can finish the game soon, and post a Crackdown 2 game review also!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Portal Game Review

Portal was the first game I bought on "Steam". It is in my top 5 favorite games, and I've had it for a little less than 6th months. This game is a classic and it instantly won me over.

Since this game is a bit old, the graphics aren't going to be the best. It's a 3D first person puzzle game and they spent more time working on the puzzles than the graphics. Graphics don't usually bother me so I probably shouldn't be the first person you ask.

Rating: 7/10

Cheryl, and GlaDOS. Cheryl is your character she was modeled after the voice actress Alésia Glidewell. She/You are the test subject, and in order to get out you must complete all of the puzzles. GlaDOS is your watcher and she records all of the data for the puzzles you complete. Throughout the game GlaDOS keeps telling you if you finish the puzzles you will be released and there will be cake. Around level 16 there's a secret spot and it says the cake is a lie about 5 times. You can tell it's from another testee.

Rating: 9/10

Story line: 
I kind of explained the story line in the Cheryl part of the review. Basically you're a person who has been captured [I believe] and to be released you must complete all of the tests. If you fail, you die. If you win GlaDOS keeps telling you there will be cake. But around puzzle 16 it tells you otherwise. 

Rating: 9/10

Overall Rating: 8/10
Would I recommend this?: If it were to come up into a conversation. Casually? Maybe.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Top 5 Best Games

5. Call of Duty: Black Ops
I honestly have no idea why people say they hate this game! I personally love it. You're allowed more customization than any other CoD game I've ever played. It's very easy to tell your teammates from your enemies, and also easy to tell whether you're winning or not. Tell me why you hate it. The only things I don't like are the constant lag, and the screaming children. Only one game have I played with a screaming child, and let me tell you...

Rating: 6/10                                Game system[s]: Xbox, Ps3, Wii

Price: 16.00 [and up] USD                                          12.238 [and up] EUR

Information: http://www.callofduty.com/blackops

Wanna buy it?: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/175-9188491-2183145?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=black+ops&x=0&y=0  ,  http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=black+ops&_sacat=See-All-Categories

4. Tekken
Ahhh yes. Tekken, this game took up most of my summer during 4th and 5th grade. I believe it was Tekken 4, I could not get enough. My friends eventually took it away from me and I had major withdrawal. I personally like this game way more than I like Mortal Kombat. I remember the easy controls and the beautiful designs, the only problem I've had with this game was the menu not working some of the time.

Rating: 6/10                                               Platforms: Xbox360, Ps3

Price [Tekken 6] : 14.99 USD                                         11.46585 EUR

Information: http://tekken.com/

Want?: http://www.amazon.com/Tekken-6-Greatest-Hits-Playstation-3/dp/B000FII8KQ

3. Earthbound
Thanks to my friend I use to play this game everyday! I liked the setting, buttttt the story starts off really slow, and it takes forever to get places. I do like it. But it's definitely not my favorite game.

Rating: 3/10                                                       Platforms: SNES Emulator, Gameboy

Price: Free for Emulator.

Info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EarthBound

Download: http://www.coolrom.com/roms/snes/907/earthbound.php

2. Team Fortress 2
Played for about 2 weeks on  my crappy laptop, but it was very enjoyable. I liked the hats! The whole community is really nice. The gameplay was bawwws, also the artwork looked like Clay to me so I really liked that. The only thing I didn't like was Steam [the thing it runs with] it re downloaded it like every day. I did really like it though. Perhaps if I had more hats, and a better laptop.

Rating: 7/10                                                               Platforms: Computer [Mac + PC]

Price: Free on Steam

Info: http://www.teamfortress.com/

Want?: http://store.steampowered.com/app/440

1. Left for Dead [1 + 2]
Favoritest game. in. the. world. The graphics, gameplay, characters, and just everything about the series I absolutely love. The only downside is the lag. But that's just my internet connection. I hope.

Rating: 8/10              Platforms: PC, Xbox360

Price: 20.00[and up]USD 15.28200[and up]EUR

Info: http://www.l4d.com/blog/

Want?: Amazon, Ebay, Gamestop, Target, Wal-Mart, and any other place that sells games.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Top 5 Gadget/Technolgy Updates.

Welcome! To my first ever post, I hope you like my suggestions. Hopefully you'll check them out. Thank you! Comments/Suggestions are welcome!

5. Game boy Emulator 
In my opinion this is one of the most awesome things ever invented. It's not much of a "gadget" I guess. But if you enjoy nostalgia and you've lost your game boy quite a while ago, this is the thing for you! Download/unzip it (and than find the games for it of course) and you're all set!

Price: Free

Windows Downloadhttp://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html
Mac Download: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/mac/

(Be careful not to click on the ads. The emulator download is called Visual Boy Advance.)

4.  Animated Shirts
I've never had an animated shirt so I don't really know about the whole "where do I keep my batteries" thing. But, I actually was planning to buy the "Animated Hearts" one for a friend and I. Besides the whole lugging around batteries, they seem pretty cool.

Price: 17.99 - 24.99 USD                                           Price: 13.72 - 19.05 EUR


8-Bit Dynamic Hearts.                                                                           Automatic Wi-fi Detector

3. The Water Jet Pack
The first time they released this product everyone was amazed, but nobody bought it. Probably because of its price which is, 130,000 USD. The first time this was tested was in January of 2005 (unmanned). The first actual human testers were John Myers, Raymond Li, and Frazier Grandison.

Price: 130,000.00 USD                                                                   99,631.997 EUR

Interested?: http://www.jetlev-flyer.com/en/62868-Where-to-buy

2. Self Controlled Tow Boat
Feeling forever alone? Like to Ski? WELL YOU'RE IN LUCK! You can now pull yourself while Skiing. With a 70 Horsepower Engine and 6 buttons you can do this all yourself! Happy Skiing my friends.

Price: 17,000.00 USD                                                                             13,028.800 EUR

Have fun:  http://www.hammacher.com/Product/11838

1. Tron Motorcycle (The Light Cycle)
Yes! This is street legal made from fiberglass. It does actually work. You can check out all of the technical stuff on the website you can buy it from. (Posted below) 

Price: 55,000.00 USD!                          42,151.999 EUR