Updates, and a new friend!

I've invited a friend to join the Ecstatic Gaming band wagon, she will be drawing and or helping with ideas, and posts. As you can see we have a new design, I made sure to pick out an easy one, any updates will be posted on the Facebook page.

Tekken 6

Tekken 6 review will be posted soon!

Mortal Kombat Review!

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe review soon!

More Technology updates!

Dat Technology.

Crackdown 1, game review

Hopefully I can finish the game soon, and post a Crackdown 2 game review also!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tropico 4 Game Review! ~

I got this game from Target for like 30.00 USD. It's not a bad game, but 30.00 is quite a lot for a computer game. I looked on the back, and the childish cartoons are what got me to actually buy it. I've always wanted to own an island, filled with crooks, and disease ~ I WANT MOAR.

Not bad, not bad. Low quality is awesome too. It's like a cross between "The Sims 3", and "Sim City", the people look the same, but it's not a big deal. 

Rating: 7/10

Ughhh, the repetitive buying, and building, etc. I wish we could just buy a place, and upgrade from there. Fadkfjkshdfkjhasd it's like Fish Tycoon minus 201203908210948091.

Rating: 6/10

Le people, always look le same. But they let you create your own President. (;
My President is totes hot.

Rating; 6/10

Eh, if you're like "lolwatamIdoing?" you will get nothing, and you'll start flipping tables and chairs and things. They also don't explain the controls which is sad. :c i cri evr tim. But using cheats you're like invincible x203045325

Rating: 7/10

Campaign has like 20 main levels, and they're all really longgg (if you don't use cheats). I've only finished the first one, and than I got bored and played sandbox for an hour. 

Rating: 6/10

It twas' okay.... Hmm. Just say it was, "Black Friday" or something, this is not one of those games where you literally run over people just to see it. It's more of a casual thing like, "Oh hey, I heard that game was alright... wanna go get a smoothie?" Just a conversation starter. No biggie.
Rating: 6 or 7/10

A lovely day at a Tropican beach. ~

Le Credits/Sauce;


Credit given. ~ c:

Well here's all the credit to the pictures, most of the Top 5's and things have a credit/link already on the post, so go ahead and look at that if you need too. For now on credit will be posted under the picture. Thank you ~

Top 5 Gadget/Technology Updates;

I gave all credit to the original owners (by giving the website)

Top 5 Best Games;

Black Ops:  http://www.cod7blackops.com/

Tekken 6:  http://www.latestscreens.com/wallpaper/Tekken_6/tekken6

Earthbound:  http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/EarthBound

Team Fortress 2:  http://computer.games-4pro.com/team-fortress-2/team-fortress-2-shoot

Left For Dead 2:  http://www.inquisitr.com/tag/left-4-dead-2/

Portal Game Review;

Image:  http://www.ggsgamer.com/2010/12/12/10-minute-finish-time-establishes-new-portal-record/

I don't quite remember where I found it, but I used google. There are 22 matches. I'll give you the TinEye link if you'd like to see that.

TinEye search:  http://www.tineye.com/search/0eb490adbdbab40debd1a1982c7c90e771c7967c/

Fable 3;

Since the picture isn't there anymore, I don't remember what it was. But if you remember please notify me. ~ c:


Image: http://www.elderscrollsfive.com/screenshot/skyrims-landscapes-are-stunning

Viva Pinata;

Racing: http://m.ign.com/articles/835480

Trouble in Paradise/Garden: http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/viva-pi241ata/745688p1.html

Saints Row the Third;

Image: http://bloomecorp.com/category/reviews/

Left for Dead 1;

Image: http://www.platformnation.com/2010/04/12/get-l4d-crash-course-dlc-for-320-points/