Updates, and a new friend!

I've invited a friend to join the Ecstatic Gaming band wagon, she will be drawing and or helping with ideas, and posts. As you can see we have a new design, I made sure to pick out an easy one, any updates will be posted on the Facebook page.

Tekken 6

Tekken 6 review will be posted soon!

Mortal Kombat Review!

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe review soon!

More Technology updates!

Dat Technology.

Crackdown 1, game review

Hopefully I can finish the game soon, and post a Crackdown 2 game review also!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tropico 4 Game Review! ~

I got this game from Target for like 30.00 USD. It's not a bad game, but 30.00 is quite a lot for a computer game. I looked on the back, and the childish cartoons are what got me to actually buy it. I've always wanted to own an island, filled with crooks, and disease ~ I WANT MOAR.

Not bad, not bad. Low quality is awesome too. It's like a cross between "The Sims 3", and "Sim City", the people look the same, but it's not a big deal. 

Rating: 7/10

Ughhh, the repetitive buying, and building, etc. I wish we could just buy a place, and upgrade from there. Fadkfjkshdfkjhasd it's like Fish Tycoon minus 201203908210948091.

Rating: 6/10

Le people, always look le same. But they let you create your own President. (;
My President is totes hot.

Rating; 6/10

Eh, if you're like "lolwatamIdoing?" you will get nothing, and you'll start flipping tables and chairs and things. They also don't explain the controls which is sad. :c i cri evr tim. But using cheats you're like invincible x203045325

Rating: 7/10

Campaign has like 20 main levels, and they're all really longgg (if you don't use cheats). I've only finished the first one, and than I got bored and played sandbox for an hour. 

Rating: 6/10

It twas' okay.... Hmm. Just say it was, "Black Friday" or something, this is not one of those games where you literally run over people just to see it. It's more of a casual thing like, "Oh hey, I heard that game was alright... wanna go get a smoothie?" Just a conversation starter. No biggie.
Rating: 6 or 7/10

A lovely day at a Tropican beach. ~

Le Credits/Sauce;


Credit given. ~ c:

Well here's all the credit to the pictures, most of the Top 5's and things have a credit/link already on the post, so go ahead and look at that if you need too. For now on credit will be posted under the picture. Thank you ~

Top 5 Gadget/Technology Updates;

I gave all credit to the original owners (by giving the website)

Top 5 Best Games;

Black Ops:  http://www.cod7blackops.com/

Tekken 6:  http://www.latestscreens.com/wallpaper/Tekken_6/tekken6

Earthbound:  http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/EarthBound

Team Fortress 2:  http://computer.games-4pro.com/team-fortress-2/team-fortress-2-shoot

Left For Dead 2:  http://www.inquisitr.com/tag/left-4-dead-2/

Portal Game Review;

Image:  http://www.ggsgamer.com/2010/12/12/10-minute-finish-time-establishes-new-portal-record/

I don't quite remember where I found it, but I used google. There are 22 matches. I'll give you the TinEye link if you'd like to see that.

TinEye search:  http://www.tineye.com/search/0eb490adbdbab40debd1a1982c7c90e771c7967c/

Fable 3;

Since the picture isn't there anymore, I don't remember what it was. But if you remember please notify me. ~ c:


Image: http://www.elderscrollsfive.com/screenshot/skyrims-landscapes-are-stunning

Viva Pinata;

Racing: http://m.ign.com/articles/835480

Trouble in Paradise/Garden: http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/viva-pi241ata/745688p1.html

Saints Row the Third;

Image: http://bloomecorp.com/category/reviews/

Left for Dead 1;

Image: http://www.platformnation.com/2010/04/12/get-l4d-crash-course-dlc-for-320-points/

Monday, March 26, 2012

Disclaimer ~

This just came to my attention.

I just want to clear this up. ~ All of the pictures I use in my reviews are NOT mine {unless clearly stated}. I usually find them off of google, or they're drawn by my friend {hopefully team member soon}. I figured since everyone {very stupid Congress members} is/are getting butt hurt about copyright and such, I might as well make a post concerning where I got all of my images from. That will be up hopefully by Friday.

Now here's the weeks schedule~

Wednesday - Crackdown 1 Review
Thursday    - Tekken 6 Review
Friday         - Disclaimer Day
Saturday     - Hopefully a post from Book.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rusty Spoons

Hi guys, I really don't have many followers, but that's okay. I'm not much for advertising. I'd just like to ask you a few questions. { Those who come on a regular basis, no pun intended }

Mainly this is just the schedule mishap, I plan on posting 3-5 days a week. But, what would you guys like to see? More technology? More reviews? More top 5's? A separate blog with other languages? c:

I'm thinking of doing a top five every two months or so. I've just been doing game reviews which can get boring.

Mondays and/or Tuesdays: Game Reviews

Wednesdays and/or Thursdays: Technology updates

Fridays and/or Saturdays: Viewers choice. {You'd have to tell me a week before~}

Do you guys like it, or could there be improvements?

Post your ideas in the comments... please.... 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tropico 4: Cheats and Hints~ {PC}

Dis be a vuury fun g@m3. Not really what I expected though, the only thing I wish is that you could upgrade buildings. ;( BUT hopefully there will be a Game Review tomorrow which is where you can read all about that.


muchopesos = 100,000$
whiskey       = +15 relations to US
vodka           = +15 relations to USSR
tornado        = A WILD TORNADO APPEARS
hurricane      = hurricane ~
earthquake   = earthquake
dinggratz       = more worker experience

Right clicking brings up the build menu, I had problems with that.

Comments and Suggestions are welcomed x20.
Our Facebook page is up, but still under construction. :c
You can like the Facebook page by going to the home of our blog, and clicking the Facebook button. {The e-mail button works too} :o

Thanks for visiting~

Left 4 Dead 1: Game Review

Surprisingly enough I actually bought this game after I got Left 4 Dead 2, I just loved that game so much, I wanted to look at the back story, I love both games unconditionally.

Not as repetitive as you might think, of course the 4 maps stay the same, but the zombies and special infected are randomly placed. As I said before I love this game, there could be some improvements such as a clearer beginning, it starts off really fast pitch.

Rating: 8/10

Once you switch from a newer game to an older one, you notice things more easily, this game has a minor problem, and it's nothing you can't get use to. The hands on the guns look really deformed. That's actually about it though. Nothing really big like, glitches, and things like that.

Rating: 8/10

There are 4 main characters (Zoey, Francis, Bill, and Louis) and some side characters (Whitaker and the other people that help you to safety.) This is the only game I'm glad they don't have character customization added into, mainly because these characters have a background, a story, and your character wouldn't really have one.

Rating: 8, 9/10

I suggest playing on normal, but if you're just starting it's okay to play on easy ~ ♥
Normal is perfect for realism and a challenge.

Rating: 8, 9/10

They give you 4 maps to start on, you can of course purchase more, I think they're usually free if you play on Steam though. There's nothing wrong with the first 4 maps. It's a different story in every one.

Rating: 8, 9/10

There could be minor improvements but actually not many sooooo.....

9/10~ (;


Monday, March 19, 2012

New Blog?

How do you like? To complicated? Or perfect? I have a couple of banner problems to work out with Brooke. That's about it. Normal posting schedule should be starting again soon. So post any questions or concerns on the facebook page, or just comment, even email us! Hopefully I'll get hang of the slider soon, there's a little off positioning problems, but nothing I can't fix... hopefully... I'll be posting more technology, if you guys like that more? I'll be needing more viewers opinion though. Thanks for your cooperation through this awkward stage~